Scouts on the Bruce Trail
A hub for Scouts Canada to connect with the Bruce Trail Conservancy

Explore and Care for Nature Along the Bruce Trail
For over 60 years, Scouts have explored and helped to care for the Bruce Trail, Canada’s longest marked public footpath. Many Scout groups have helped to build and maintain sections of the trail, or have taken on restoration projects to enhance biodiversity in Bruce Trail Conservancy protected natural areas.
With over 1,300 km of trail and over 13,000 acres of Niagara Escarpment lands managed by the Bruce Trail Conservancy, there are lots of opportunities for your Scout group to get involved.

Learn and Lend a Hand
The Bruce Trail offers many ways for Scouts to learn about and connect with nature.
Working hand in hand with volunteers from local Bruce Trail Clubs or staff from the Bruce Trail Conservancy, Scouters can assist with:
* Trail maintenance
* Restoration activities (e.g., clean-ups, invasive species pulling, plantings)
* Citizen science (recording and reporting observations of plants, animals etc.)
And Scouters can learn more from experienced Bruce Trail Conservancy volunteers or staff through:
* Guided hikes
* Presentations (in person or virtual)
Activities are scheduled and customized for each interested Group, with Scout leaders and youth working with BTC volunteers or staff to coordinate the best time, location and type of activity.

An unserviced campsite (for Scouts Canada use only) is available on The Akela and Scouters Heather and Ross Hamlin Nature Reserve at Riverside Woods (Mono, Ontario). Groups must register with Scouts Canada at least 24 hours before using.
Sign Up for Updates & Opportunities to Get Your Scout Group Involved
If you’re a Scout or a Scout Leader looking for a hands on experience and an opportunity for your group to learn more about trail work and conservation, we want to hear from you. Please fill out the form below to start the conversation.