Due to the Canada Post strike, we are experiencing a service interruption affecting our store and memberships. Details >
Health & Safety
All volunteers should review the Health and Safety information available on this page.
General Health and Safety Information
This document outlines some key risks and best methods to mitigate those health and safety risks. All volunteers should read this document.
Health and Safety Information for Volunteers
Accident Insurance
The Bruce Trail Conservancy provides additional Accident Insurance for all volunteers up to the age of 95. Details about the policy can be found here
Accident Insurance Policy Details
Incident Reporting
If an incident does occur, the BTC incident reporting form must be completed. The incident reporting form should be completed for any incident which:
- occurs on or adjacent to the Bruce Trail, or
- occurs on BTC-managed property, or
- occurs at a BTC led or organized activity, or
- involves a volunteer or staff member who has an incident while on BTC business.
An incident is defined as:
- any injury that requires medical treatment in a hospital, or
- a death, or
- a situation in which Emergency Services (Police, Fire, Emergency Medical Services) are called, if any such injury, death or situation occurs on or adjacent to the Bruce Trail, or occurs on BTC-managed property, or occurs at a BTC-lead or organized activity, or
- property damage caused by a BTC-organized activity.
For an MS Word version of this form, please email jrandle@brucetrail.org
Submit complete forms to Jackie Randle at jrandle@brucetrail.org
Relevant Policies
The Trail Development and Maintenance Committee has the following policies which must be followed when using equipment on the Trail.
TDM.03.01 Operation of Power Equipment Other than Chainsaws on the Trail Policy
TDM.04.01 Operation of Chainsaws and Training Policy
Chainsaw Policy Acknowledgment Form
Dead Standing Trees, “Chicots”
Chicots present a tremendous hazard in the woods and need to be treated with respect.
Bruce Trail volunteers need to evaluate the presence and condition of chicots on their property or area of their worksite.
Any dead tree should be considered dangerous and if it cannot be felled by a certified chain sawyer then no work should be performed within its falling distance.
The following video provides more information about chicots: