Calypso Orchid Environmental Award
Nominate an individual, group or institution for the Calypso Orchid Environmental Award

The Calypso Orchid Environmental Award is awarded to an individual, volunteer group, institution or company that has demonstrated a significant contribution to the restoration and preservation of the Bruce Trail or the Niagara Escarpment Biosphere Reserve, or significantly enhanced the education of users or potential users of the Trail or the Niagara Escarpment Biosphere Reserve.
The recipient does not need be a member of the Bruce Trail Conservancy. Exemplary actions by the recipients can have either a direct or indirect effect on the Bruce Trail. Meritorious actions can be a single event or undertaken over several years.

In the spring of 1956, Arthur Storey saw his first Calypso Orchid on a trip to Tobermory. Twenty years later Lloyd Smith commemorated the event by carving a diamond willow walking staff for him, including a likeness of a Calypso Orchid on the handle. In 1997 Arthur donated the walking staff to the Bruce Trail Conservancy, with the wish that an environmental award be established. The Calypso Orchid Environmental Award was established in 2000.
Photo: robertgbrown via iNaturalist

Past Calypso Orchid Award Winners
2000 | Peninsula Bruce Trail Club |
2000 | Chippewas of Nawash First Nations |
2001 | John Burton |
2001 | Margaret Reed |
2003 | George Francis |
2005 | K. Elizabeth Kümmling |
2006 | Walter M. Tovell |
2006 | Leonard O. Gertler |
2007 | Bruce Krug |
2008 | David Moule |
2011 | Keen Canada |
2012 | Ned Morgan |
2013 | Bruce Trail Expedition for Kids |
2014 | Not Awarded |
2015 | Kevin Warburton |
2016 | The Town of Blue Mountains |
2017 | Anne Clock |
2018 | Bob Hann and Joan Nuffield |
2019 | Laurence Christie |
2020 | Gosling Foundation |
2021 | David Knox |
2022 | Not Awarded |
2023 | Not Awarded |