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Share Responsibly on Social Media
Tips for Responsible Social Sharing of your Bruce Trail Adventures
Social media can expose thousands of people to beautiful natural environments in an instant.
If you share your Bruce Trail photos or videos on social media, you have the power to be an ambassador for protected natural spaces and responsible hiking.
Consider these tips next time you’re posting:
Keep Safety in the Picture
Stay on the Trail to keep yourself(ie) safe and to avoid damaging trailside vegetation. It might mean you can’t get your ideal shot, but the limitation may even force more creativity in your photography.
Consider What Your Images Portray
Give some thought to what your photos and videos are showing. A view that can only be had from off the trail? Hikers close to the edge of a cliff? Does it look like you are promoting irresponsible or unsafe behavior, even if you aren’t? If yes, maybe reconsider posting, or use your caption to call out the special circumstances in that photo.
Lead by Example
Share images that demonstrate responsible and safe hiking and they can encourage others to do the same. Include tips and hashtags that will help your friends and followers learn about responsible outdoor recreation. Share the stories and actions of people and organizations doing good work in this area.
Add Helpful Site Information
Keep it Positive & Inclusive
Shaming someone (online or off) for their outdoor behaviour is never endorsed by the Bruce Trail Conservancy. Engage in respectful conversations. Avoid making assumptions about people’s intentions or abilities, or creating a sense of ‘us’ and ‘them’. Send positive shout-outs to those who demonstrate responsible hiking in their posts.
Read the full article in Bruce Trail Conservancy Magazine, Summer 2021 issue (page 22):
The #BruceTrail Effect: How Social Media Affects the Outdoors