Dogs On The Bruce Trail

Hiking with your dog can be a wonderful way to explore the outdoors. As a pet owner and trail user, you a have a few extra responsibilities to the Bruce Trail, its environment and fellow users. Please respect all signage. Some landowners – especially those with cattle or with dogs of their own – have specifically requested that dogs be prohibited on the Trail through their land, you can find everything you need to know about Dogs on the Bruce Trail on this page.

Before Visiting The Trail

Know where dogs are allowed:  See no-dog zones >

Dogs on leashes are allowed on most parts of the Bruce Trail. However, in a handful of areas dogs are prohibited at the request of the landowner

Make sure your dog is ready & be prepared

Consider the difficulty of the hike and the age, ability and experience of your dog. Some hikes may involve stiles (set of steps for getting over fences), or ladders, or other difficult terrain.

Pack food, water, and accessories that will keep your dog energized, hydrated, and comfortable. Don’t forget your dog waste bags, and a towel for post-hike cleaning.

On The Trail

Keep your dog on leash

Keeping your dog on a leash on the Bruce Trail, even if they’re off-leash trained, is important for a few reasons:

  • Your Dog’s Safety:
    Natural dangers exist along the Trail including steep drops, ledges, noxious plants, and wildlife (including skunks and coyotes).
  • Safety and Comfort of Fellow Hikers & Fellow Dogs:
    Not all Bruce Trail users are comfortable with dogs. And not all dogs are friendly with other dogs.
  • Wildlife Considerations:
    Off-leash dogs can harass and injure native wildlife. Even a non-contact chase can cause a bird or animal to waste vital energy needed for breeding or foraging. 
    Off-leash dogs can be attacked by startled or predatory animals. Rabies, Giardia, distemper and parvovirus can be contracted from encounters with wildlife.
  • Private Landowner Considerations:
    Dogs wandering on private land along the Bruce Trail can lead to strained relations between landowners and the Bruce Trail Conservancy. It can even result in parts of the Trail closing permanently if landowners no longer wish to host the Trail.
    Respect all signage. Some landowners – especially those with cattle or with dogs of their own – have specifically requested that dogs be leashed or prohibited on the Trail through their land.
  • It’s the law in several places:
    In most parks and conservation areas through which the Bruce Trail passes, dogs are required to be leashed at all times.

Pack out your dog’s waste

Dog waste is more than a nuisance to hikers on the Trail, it also causes water quality issues and negative health effects for humans and wildlife. Please pick up and pack out all dog waste.

  • Don’t leave poop bags on the Trail or at the trailhead.
    Carry your dog waste with you, even if you are hiking out and back on a particular segment.
    Use a smell-resistant container like an old Pringles can, or let your dog carry it out in her own backpack.
  • Don’t flick dog poop into the forest. Remember, dog poop:
      Contains pathogens, parasites, and medications that are not a natural part of Niagara Escarpment ecosystems.
      Is carried by rainwater and snowmelt directly into waterways, where it causes bacterial contamination.
      Is nitrogen-rich so it depletes oxygen levels in water and soil, hurting fish and other wildlife.

After Leaving The Trail

Remove dirt and seeds from paws and fur

Invasive plants and insects can spread to new areas by hitching a ride on fur and paws. Once you finish your hike, carefully inspect your dog’s paws and brush your dog’s fur to remove any dirt, plants, seeds or bugs.

Check for ticks

Ticks are active anytime the temperature is 4 degrees celcius or higher. Check your dog (and all hikers) for ticks after each hike.

No Dog Areas on the Bruce Trail

Leashed dogs are allowed on most parts of the Bruce Trail. However, dogs are not permitted in the following areas of the Bruce Trail or its side trails, at the request of the landowners.

Remember that dogs in these areas, or unleashed dogs anywhere on the Trail, can lead to strained relations between landowners and the Bruce Trail Conservancy. It can even result in parts of the Trail closing permanently if landowners no longer wish to host the Trail.

Map 9: Waterdown
Main Bruce Trail paralleling Patterson Road roughly between km 63.8 and km 65.8

Map 16: Caledon East
Main Bruce Trail between St. Andrew’s Rd and Escarpment Sideroad, km 24.6 – km 26.2

Map 21: Black Bank
Main Bruce Trail west of Prince of Wales Rd, between 20 Sideroad and Hwy 21, km 42.4 – km 45.6.

Map 27/28: Epping / Blantyre
Fairmount Side Trail from Sideroad 22 B (km 98.3 of main Trail) to Sideroad 25.

Map 28: Blantyre
Last 3 km of Beaver Valley section. Main Bruce Trail between 7th Line and Hwy 12 (at Blantyre), km 116.2 – km 119.9

Map 29: Bighead River Valley
Walters Falls Side Trail (formerly main Trail) on the Falls Inn property. In Edition 30, this is shown as Main Trail, km 10.8 – km 12.3

Maps 31/32: Owen Sound East / Inglis Falls
Main Bruce Trail between Owen Sound Rail Trail and Superior St, km 86.5 – km 87.8.

Map 34: Kemble
The President’s Path (side trail) and a portion of the Slough of Despond Side Trail between Concession 24 and Colpoy’s Range Rd.

Map 35: Wiarton
Wiarton Airport property. Main Bruce Trail, km 170.3 – km 173.5.

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